Friday 19 December 2008

55mm * 1.54 = The way I see the world

That's right.

I see the world in 85mm.

I don't know why, but a the focal length which a 55mm lens on my D300 or my S5 seems to be the way I envisage a photo before I've even brought the viewfinder to my eye. I used to be a bit of a 28mm nut, mainly because it fell into the range of that mystical thing, the 'normal' lens (on a cropped DSLR at least), but now I find myself deep in the short-telephoto camp. It just seems the most natural perspective for me.

This may well be because my favourite two lenses of all time for SLRs happen to fall into this category (the Nikkor 50mm f/2 and the Micro-Nikkor 55mm f/3.5), but if that's the case, well so be it. I've taken ALL of my favourite ever photos with either these two lenses, or the similarly worthy 17-55mm f/2.8 (but that's a bit too easy a lens for my liking, there's some pleasure to be had in using a manual aperture and focusing lens which is completely missing from an AF-S, all-auto lens).

I think I might need to train myself to get a little bit of a larger perspective at some point soon though, I'm focusing on the small details too much as it stands.