...to shit.
I get the feeling that I'm not going to be enjoying myself for the next few weeks. It's just not going to be good. I'm drowning in work, I have exams once I'm back from my holiday, I'm in a photographic rut, and it seems that I'm completely stuffing things up as per usual.
However, there have been a few good event photos in the past few weeks, and at least I'm on holiday for a couple of weeks now. Which has to be a good thing. I've also invested some time into creating my very own snoot/diffuser/reflector hybrid for my lighting set-up, which seems to be working very well indeed so far. It's suited to people photos from what I can deduce from my current experimental findings. A few photos of the item itself and instructions will follow tomorrow, but in the mean-time here's my favourite shot taken with it so far...
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